Maritza Paredes, docente e investigadora de la sección Sociología, ha publicado el capítulo Demobilization Processes in Latin America en coautoría con Pablo Lapegna y Renata Motta. El texto forma parte del libro The Oxford Handbook of Latin American Social Movements de la editorial Oxford University Press.
Since the re-democratization of much of Latin America in the 1980s and a regional wave of anti-austerity protests in the 1990s, social movement studies has become an important part of sociological, political, and anthropological scholarship on the region. The subdiscipline has framed debates about formal and informal politics, spatial and relational processes, as well as economic changes in Latin America. While there is an abundant literature on particular movements in different countries across the region, there is limited coverage of the approaches, debates, and theoretical understandings of social movement studies applied to Latin America.
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