
Reciente artículo de nuestra docente María Eugenia Ulfe

Reciente artículo de nuestra docente María Eugenia Ulfe

María Eugenia Ulfe, docente e investigadora de la sección Antropología, publicó el artículo Incommensurable worlds, irreparable wounds: Transitional justice politics and personal violent pasts in postconflict Peru en coautoría con Ximena Málaga Sabogal en la Revista Memory Studies.

La revista investiga y publica artículos sobre los cambios culturales, cognitivos, políticos y tecnológicos que afectan la forma en que las personas, los grupos y las sociedades recuerdan y olvidan.‍


Reparation programmes in transitional justice processes imply that there are ways to repair social bonds, to dignify victims of violence, to reconstitute what is lost. But how does losing a relative translate into the twists and turns of a state social programme? Based on ethnograph research in the Peruvian Andes and the life history of a daughter of a Shining Path leader, this article explores the ways in which transitional justice discourses get translated into specific national reparation policies embedded in a series of mnemonic wars. These mnemonic wars imply different levels of confrontation, and invisibilization of subjects and citizenships.‍

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