
Nuevo artículo de nuestras docentes Deborah Delgado y Dámaris Herrera

Nuevo artículo de nuestras docentes Deborah Delgado y Dámaris Herrera

La Dra. Deborah Delgado, docente e investigadora de la sección Sociología. Ha publicado el artículo “Were Indigenous Peoples’ Vulnerable or Resilient? Strategies to Cope with Covid-19 in the Peruvian Amazon Basin”, junto a nuestra predocente Dámaris Herrera de la sección Sociología. El escrito se publico en la Revista Items & Issues del Social Science Research Council (SSRC). AbstractAs the Covid-19 pandemic spread throughout Peru, one community was particularly hard hit by the disease, Indigenous peoples in the Amazon. Deborah Delgado Pugley and Dámaris Herrera Salazar, through their SSRC-funded research, examine how the Indigenous communities in Ucayali Region addressed the lack of government support. However, they argue to be wary of resiliency narratives that can be employed to justify state neglect and a slow response.

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