
Nuevo artículo de nuestra profesora Maritza Paredes

Nuevo artículo de nuestra profesora Maritza Paredes

La Dra. Maritza Paredes, docente e investigadora de la sección de Sociología. Ha publicado recientemente el artículo From criminals to citizens: The applicability of Bolivia’s community-based coca control policy to Peru, junto a Thomas Grisaffi, Linda Farthing, Kathryn Ledebur y Álvaro Pastor pre-docente de la sección Sociología. El escrito se publico en la revista World Development. AbstractBetween 2006 and 2019, Bolivia emerged as a world leader in formulating a participatory, non-violent model to gradually limit coca production in a safe and sustainable manner while simultaneously offering farmers realistic economic alternatives to coca. Our study finds that not only has this model reduced violence, but it has effectively expanded social and civil rights in hitherto marginal regions. In contrast, Peru has continued to conceptualize ‘drugs’ as a crime and security issue. This has led to U.S.-financed forced crop eradication, putting the burden onto impoverished farmers, generating violence and instability. At the request of farmers, the Peruvian government has made a tentative move towards implementing one aspect of Bolivia’s community control in Peru. Could it work? We address this question by focusing on participatory development with a special emphasis on the role of local organizations and the relationship between growers and the state.

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