El Dr. David Sulmont, jefe del Departamento Académico de Ciencias Sociales, docente e investigador de la sección Sociología. Ha publicado su más reciente escrito, en coautoría con Kiara Castaman, títulado “Rainbows in Latin America: Public Opinion and Societal Attitudes Towards Homosexuality”, el cual forma parte del libro “Social Capital and Subjective Well-Being. Societies and Political Orders in Transition”.
This contribution analyzes changes in public opinion attitudes towards homosexuality and LGBTI rights in Latin America over the last three decades. Using data from the World Values Survey and the Latin American Public Opinion Project, we show the evolution of those attitudes between the 1990s and 2017, their relationship with economic development and democratization in the region and the individual factors that helps us to explain the prevalence and changes of negative and positive attitudes toward LGBTI people.
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