
Nuevo artículo de nuestra docente Patricia Ames

Nuevo artículo de nuestra docente Patricia Ames

Patricia Ames, docente e investigadora de la sección Antropología, ha publicado el artículo titulado "Is there room for interculturality? Indigenous youth in Peruvian private universities and the scholarship programme Beca 18". Este texto fue publicado en la Revista Ethnography and Education.‍


Applying an ethnographic approach, this study examines recently implemented scholarship programmes for Indigenous people in private higher education (HE) institutions in Peru. Interviews with students and staff, participant observations, and participatory activities reveal distrust of scholarship holders by government staff and programme regulators, who exercise various surveillance and control mechanisms. Staff at private universities hinder cultural diversity among students through segregation or integration strategies to deal with Indigenous students, thereby curtailing an intercultural approach. Indigenous students ask for more integration activities and intercultural dialogues as they claim a lack of adequate support programmes and real inclusion, which leads to higher dropout rates. This study contributes to the recovery of students’ voices and concerns by unveiling persistent inequalities in HE. The findings have implications on policy design that take for granted problematic assumptions riddled with colonial prejudices and privatisation ideologies within the field of HE.‍

Sobre la revista

Ethnography and Education es una revista internacional revisada por pares que publica investigaciones etnográficas sobre prácticas educativas, priorizando las experiencias y perspectivas de los involucrados. Abarca diversas disciplinas como sociología, lingüística, historia, psicología y antropología. La revista apoya investigaciones con compromiso a largo plazo y múltiples métodos de generación de datos, y que desafían las políticas y prácticas educativas, desarrollan teorías sobre la educación y destacan la agencia de los actores educativos.‍

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